Artxibo orokorra
Different personalities and authorities during a ceremony inside the Town Hall. Neural Machine Translation
Identity statement area
ID: 15023
Catalogue number: C0001
Location: C2C/B6/M1/N1
Title: Different personalities and authorities during a ceremony inside the Town Hall.
Date: 1953-09-21 - 1953-09-27
Level of description: Simple documentary unit
Technical description area
Medium: Paper
Binder: Gelatina
Image-forming element: Plata
Lab: Marín
Colour: B/W
Positive/negative: Positive
Observations (technical description): Una hoja de contactos de 18 x 24 cm constituida por 18 fotografías de 5,7 x 4 cm
Context area
Producer: San Sebastian International Film Festival
Photographer: Pascual Marín
Studio: Marín
Place: Donostia-San Sebastián
Immediate source of acquisition or transfer: Producción propia
Content and structure area
Scope and content: Different personalities and authorities during a ceremony inside the Town Hall. Among them, the general secretary of the Festival, Dionisio Pérez Villa, the actresses Ana Esmeralda, Marujita Díaz, Emma Penella and Paquita Rico, the producer Cesáreo González Rodríguez and Tomás Garicano Goñi, civil governor and provincial head of the FET y de las JONS.
Inscriptions: "1 ANA ESMERALDA / 2 / 3 MARUJA DIAZ / 4 GARICANO GOÑI / 5 PAQUITA RICO / 6 EMMA PENELLA / 7 CESAREO GONZALEZ" [Inscripción manuscrita en tinta azul, al verso de la copia "MARIN / Fotógrafo / Garibay, nº 24 / Teléfono 12125 / SAN SEBASTIAN" [Sello tamponado en tinta azul, al verso de la copia] "1953" [Inscripción manuscrita en grafito, al verso de la copia] "1953" [Inscripción manuscrita en tinta negra, al verso de la copia] "4" [Inscripción manuscrita en grafito, al verso de la copia]
System of arrangement: Reportaje constituido por 18 fotografías, agrupadas en una hoja de contactos conservada en la funda de conservación número 3.
Conditions of access and use area
Conditions governing access: Conditions governing access
Conditions governing reproduction: Conditions governing reproduction
State of preservation: Bueno
Allied materials area
Bibliography: Donostiako Nazioarteko Zinemaldia : 40 urte, 1953-1992. San Sebastián: Festival Internacional de Cine de Donostia, pg.23
Kontrolaren eremua
Kontserbazioa: Anna Ferrer, Andrea Sánchez
Katalogazioa: Edurne Arocena (Ereiten)

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