
Juan Tintoré

1 - 9 (9 results)
Photo collection
ID: 10550
signature: G | 0010
In the lounge of the Hotel María Cristina, the actress Elisabet Ashley, the actor George Peppard, the journalist Luis Gómez Mesa and Margot Larrauri.
Producer: San Sebastian International Film Festival
Photo collection
ID: 28722
signature: C | 0008
Information conference on the 1st International Conference on Educational, Scientific and Cultural Film and TV
8th June, 1965
Producer: San Sebastian International Film Festival
Photo collection
ID: 28723
signature: C | 0008
Information conference on the 1st International Conference on Educational, Scientific and Cultural Film and TV
8th June, 1965
Producer: San Sebastian International Film Festival
Photo collection
ID: 28725
signature: C | 0008
Information conference on the 1st International Conference on Educational, Scientific and Cultural Film and TV
8th June, 1965
Producer: San Sebastian International Film Festival
Photo collection
ID: 29614
signature: C | 0008
Dinner hosted by M.G.M. (Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios, Inc.) at Casa Nicolasa restaurant
11th June, 1965
Producer: San Sebastian International Film Festival
Photo collection
ID: 27738
signature: C | 0007
Press reception hosted by M.G.M. (Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios, Inc.) at the Hotel María Cristina
11th June, 1965
Producer: San Sebastian International Film Festival
Photo collection
ID: 29502
signature: C | 0008
Press reception hosted by M.G.M. (Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios, Inc.) at the Hotel María Cristina
11th June, 1965
Producer: San Sebastian International Film Festival