Press archive
Press dossier
Dossier of the press published in Barcelona, sorted by publication title (C-H). Neural Machine Translation
Identity statement area
ID: 22940
Catalogue number: P1964.BCN.C-H
Location: M16.B03.C02
Classification scheme: 3.6. Press Clipping
Title: Dossier of the press published in Barcelona, sorted by publication title (C-H).
Date of creation: 1964
Level of description: Composite documentary unit
Context area
Producer: San Sebastian International Film Festival
Content and structure area
Places: Barcelona
Conditions of access and use area
Conditions governing access: Conditions governing access
Conditions governing reproduction: Conditions governing reproduction
La colección de prensa está compuesta por recortes de periódicos y revistas pegados sobre un soporte secundario de tamaño DINA-A4 en el que se ha hecho constar la fuente original de cada uno
Control area
Preservation: Anna Ferrer, Andrea Sánchez
Cataloguing: Camila Reyes, Rocío Ortega

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