Identity statement area
ID: 16875
Catalogue number: C0001
Location: C2C/B6/M1/N1
Title: The director and actress Ana Mariscal with the rest of the Zulueta Acting Award Jury (José Berruezo, Pascual Cebollada, Ralph Forte, Luis Gómez Mesa, Antonio de Zulueta, Carlos Fernández Cuenca and Alfonso Sánchez), during the opening ceremony of the Festival at the Town Hall.
Date: 1959-07-11
Level of description: Simple documentary unit
Technical description area
Medium: Paper
Binder: Gelatina
Image-forming element: Plata
Colour: B/W
Positive/negative: Negative
Observations (technical description): 1 fragmento de una hoja de contactos de 7,6 x 21,3 cm constituida por 2 fotografías de 6,6 x 9,8 cm
Papel Agfa
Context area
Producer: San Sebastian International Film Festival
Place: Donostia-San Sebastián
Immediate source of acquisition or transfer: Producción propia
Content and structure area
Scope and content: The director and actress Ana Mariscal with the rest of the Zulueta Acting Award Jury (José Berruezo, Pascual Cebollada, Ralph Forte, Luis Gómez Mesa, Antonio de Zulueta, Carlos Fernández Cuenca and Alfonso Sánchez), during the opening ceremony of the Festival at the Town Hall.
Inscriptions: "1- JOSE BERRUEZO / 2- LUIS GOMEZ MESA / 3- Ralph FORTE / 4- Pascual CEBOLLADA / 5- ANA MARISCAL / 6- ANTONIO ZULUETA / 7- CARLOS F. CUENCA / 8- ALFONSO SANCHEZ" [Inscripción manuscrita en tinta verde, al verso de la copia]
System of arrangement: Reportaje constituido por 4 fotografías: 3 agrupadas en la funda de conservación número 42; 1 agrupada en la funda de conservación número 43.