Context area
Producer: San Sebastian International Film Festival
Studio: Aygüés
Place: Donostia-San Sebastián
Immediate source of acquisition or transfer: Producción propia
Content and structure area
Scope and content: In the press conference room of the Victoria Eugenia Theatre, film historian and critic Antonín Martin Brousil presenting the award to actor and director Ángel del Pozo for his participation in the Karlovy-Vary Festival. In the background, the Director General of Cinematography Rogelio Díez Alonso and the President of the National Show Business Union Jaime Campany.
Inscriptions: "D. Antonio Martín Brousil / D. Rogelio Diez Alonso - Dtor Gral Cinematografía / D. Jaime Campany - Pte Sindicato Nal Espectáculo / D. Ángel del Pozo - Actor / 1.976" [Inscripción mecanográfica en tinta negra, al verso de la copia]
"Aygües/ REPORTAJES DE PRENSA / Miracruz 13, Tel. 16037/SAN SEBASTIAN" [Sello tamponado en tinta azul, al verso de la copia]