Technical description area
Medium: Paper
Binder: Gelatina
Image-forming element: Plata
Colour: B/W
Positive/negative: Positive
Observations (technical description): Papel Negra
Context area
Producer: San Sebastian International Film Festival
Studio: Foto Peman
Place: Donostia-San Sebastián
Immediate source of acquisition or transfer: Producción propia
Content and structure area
Scope and content: Various authorities at the opening of the "Press-books" exhibition at the San Telmo Museum. From left to right, the journalist and president of the Sindicato Nacional del Espectáculo, Jaime Campmany; the president of the Diputación de Guipúzcoa, Juan María de Araluce Villar; the director general of Cinematography, Rogelio Díez Alonso; the deputy director general of Cinematography, Marciano de la Fuente Rodríguez; the first deputy mayor, Fernando de Otazu and the mayor, Francisco Lasa Echarri.
Inscriptions: "1- Jaime Campmany - Pte Sindicato Gal Espectáculo / 2- Juan Mª de Araluce - Pte Excmo Diputación de G. / 3- Rogelio Díez Alonso - Dtor Gral Cinematografia / 4- Marciano de la Fuente - Sub. director Gral. / 5- Fernando de Otazu Zulueta - Te Alcalde de SS / 6- Francisco Lasa - Alcalde de S.S. / 1.976" [Inscripción manuscrita en tinta negra, al verso de la copia]
"FOTO / PEMAN / PRENSA" [Sello tamponado en tinta azul, al verso de la copia]