Digital collections
Poster for the "Cinema Made by Women" series
Datos del archivo físico
Referencia: 33859
Ancho: 33859 cm.
Alto: 5692 cm.
Datos del archivo digital
Peso: 12347 Kb
Ancho: 3875 pixels
Alto: 5692 pixels
Identity statement area
ID: 33860
Catalogue number: KB1978T
Title: Poster for the "Cinema Made by Women" series
Date: 1978
Level of description: Simple documentary unit
Technical description area
Medium: Paper
Context area
Immediate source of acquisition or transfer: Depósito de Miren Garmendia Etxenike
Conditions of access and use area
Conditions governing access: Conditions governing access
Conditions governing reproduction: Conditions governing reproduction
State of preservation: Bueno
Digitalisation area
Width: 3638 px
Height: 5150 px
Date of creation: 2022-05-03 00:00:00
Control area
Preservation: Andrea Sánchez, Lorena Soria

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