
Narciso Ibáñez Menta

1 - 4 (4 results)
Photo collection
ID: 15401
signature: C | 0001
Event at the Hotel Londres
24th July, 1954  - 31st July, 1954
Producer: San Sebastian International Film Festival
Photo collection
ID: 15404
signature: C | 0001
Filmmaker Eduardo Manzanos and actor Narciso Ibáñez Menta at the Hotel Londres
24th July, 1954  - 31st July, 1954
Producer: San Sebastian International Film Festival
Photo collection
ID: 15405
signature: C | 0001
The actor Narciso Ibáñez Menta during an event at the Hotel Londres.
24th July, 1954  - 31st July, 1954
Producer: San Sebastian International Film Festival
Photo collection
ID: 43587
signature: E | 0006 | C
Peio Aldazabal, director of the contest and actor Narciso Ibáñez Menta during an event at the Hotel María Cristina
22nd September, 1990
Producer: San Sebastian International Film Festival